Better Living Through…

December 6, 2014

OK–true confessions:  I was a TV addict from ages 8-18, during the Golden Age of 70’s sitcoms, 60’s reruns, and Monty Python.  All these influences, and their accompanying onslaught of advertising, contriubted to my latest creation:  the promo video for Bristle’s new album, Future(s) Now(s)
(click on the bouncing “B” below):



Or perhaps it was Cory’s amazing Whistle Tune: the jingling soundtrack to the video.  Or the great series of photos that Myles Boisen took for the album that inspired me to create the animation (& what a fun shoot that was, I might add–Bristle + the very game John Finkbeiner (who recorded and mastered the CD at his very own New,Improved Recording) in lab coat):



 Or was it the great retro-futuristic CD design work by Julia Boorinakis Harper (who just started HER very own label Beehive Sound)?  

Or was it the expert video footage by Charles Smith, that tireless chronicler of the Northern California creative music scene, the footage that I give the late-night-greatest-hits-commercial effects treatment to throughout?

Take a look and be the judge!

P.S. Don’t the forget the upcoming CD release shows at Maybeck and Cafe Luna’s. Information on the Live page.